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Welcome to Branch. Use these developer guides to learn how to integrate your organization with Branch using our API endpoints.

Get To Know Branch
Build your Branch Integration

Branch will schedule a kickoff call with key business and technical stakeholders from your org and your Branch partnership team.

Gather requirements and design integration, get Branch approval.1 to 2 weeks

Get access to the Branch sandbox environment including a sandbox-only API key.

Build your integration, including setting up and testing webhooks using the sandbox environment. For an example of steps for testing webhook sandbox-only functionality see Webhook Sandbox Testing.

Use the sandbox to develop and test integrating your system with Branch API endpoints and webhooks. The API endpoints and webhooks involved depend on which onboarding approach you use, for details see Onboard Workers2 to 4 weeks

Branch will supply test cases and your org will provide recorded demos for each scenario.

Testing is asynchronous when possible.

Your org must be certified by Branch in each environment before promoting to the next (Sandbox -> UAT -> Production).

Deploy your integration

Receive API key and access to the Branch Production Environment

Align on key deployment dates with Branch.

Branch recommends a Beta release for 2 to 3 weeks before general availability.